ESGの取り組み | 株式会社サガミホールディングス




Through corporate activities, we are working on the environmental issues for reducing greenhouse effect gas, such as CO2 emissions.
In addition, we harmonize with the natural environment in our business activities, and aggressively engage in reducing environmental impacts and conservation activities.


Solar power generation

We have installed solar panels at 8 outlets that meet the installation requirements for our customers to become more familliar with renewable energy.


AC electrical outlet Charging facility for electric vehicles

We prvide a charging port for electrical vehicles at 13 Sagami outlets.


Reuse of Used oil

Recycling 350tof cooking oil annually.


サガミホールディングス 環境保全への取り組み

サガミホールディングス 環境保全への取り組み

Sagami's Environmental Conservation Initiatives

Sagami wishes for sustainable development of afforestation areas with planting the mangrove trees according to the number of cultivated prawns.


Sagami has grown up to be raised by local residents.
We shall respond to the extraordinary and potential requests of society and make a sophisticated social contribution.

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We believe that securing management transparency for all our stakeholders is fundamental to the corporate governance.
For that purpose, we had introduced the executive officer system from 2012, and the business execution is mainly to be done by the representative director and/or executive officers delegated the authority from the representative director, and the Board of Directors is clearly defined as an organization that mainly makes decisions in management and supervises the business execution by the representative director and/or executive officers.

Outline of Corporate Governance System

Our company has a Board of Auditors, and the Board of Directors and the Board of Corporate Auditors carry out the business execution, supervision and auditing, and to enhance transparency of management, to quickly respond to the changes of the business environment, to increase corporate value from the social stance, we strive to strengthen our awareness of corporate governance for the shareholders, customers, business partners, and employees, etc.

コーポレート ・ ガバナンス体制図

Establishing a Group Management Structure

* Group representatives hold a group management meeting once a week

Nomination Remuneration advisory committee

* Transparent decision making process for remuneration
* Majority of committee are outside directors

Highly transparent management structure

President and CEO Onishi Hisashi
Executive Director Washizu Toshiharu
Director Mitsukuchi Tadashi
Director Nakajima Yasufumi
Director Kawaguchi Nao
Director Arima Shoko
Director Toyama Maki
Director (Audit committee member) Hasegawa Yoshiaki
Director (Audit committee member) Kamiya Shunichi
Director (Audit committee member) Murakami Takako
  • Ratio of outside officers

  • Ratio of female officers

Concept of internal control system

Our company, together with the directors and employees, in order to thoroughly comply with laws and regulations, and to establish corporate ethics, we have established the Sagami Chain Ethics and Charter of Conduct and Compliance Manual to ensure that officers and employees are in compliance with laws and regulations, the Articles of Incorporation, and we have established a code of conduct to take actions that comply with social norms.

Compliance System

In order to supervise compliance initiatives across the board, we have established an “Internal Control and Auditing Office”, which conducts education and training for executives and employees, and compliance learning using the in-house systems.
In addition, we have established a compliance notice and consultation provision, and we can provide information directly concerning acts with doubts on legislation, etc., with the information control window as the “Internal Control and Auditing Office”.

Risk Management System

For the management of risks associated with business activities, we have established an “Internal Control and Auditing Office” and “Quality Control Office” for striving to establish appropriate business operations.
Particularly, in the “Quality Control Office”, the risk management is an important management item in the restaurant industry, so we receive opinions and guidance from external organizations and are working to prevent accidents.
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