財務ハイライト | 株式会社サガミホールディングス


The Group’s FYE March 2024 consolidated performance of Sales JPY 31,006 million, Operating Profits JPY 1,656 million, Ordinary Profits JPY 1,722 million and Profits Attributable to Owners of Parents JPY 909 million.

consolidated performance of Sales

(million, JPY)

2019/3 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
full-year 26636 26437 20344 21399 26423 31006
3Q 20025 20284 15475 15881 19684 22943
2Q 13430 13772 9504 9805 12845 15027
1Q 6345 6621 3694 4691 6237 7077

Operating Profits

(million, JPY)

2019/3 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
full-year 715 55 -1689 -620 910 1656
3Q 538 218 -951 -360 927 1486
2Q 405 284 -1290 -561 665 930
1Q 12 -8 -1387 -344 365 336

Current Profit

(million, JPY)

2019/3 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
full-year 765 60 -1625 2253 1574 1722
3Q 583 266 -920 1983 1604 1546
2Q 433 320 -1281 451 1323 970
1Q 48 13 -1391 168 748 355

Profit attributable to owners of parent

(million, JPY)

2019/3 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
full-year 76 -1365 -2478 1192 886 909
3Q 303 106 -1258 1426 1171 1055
2Q 255 189 -1392 363 1007 734
1Q -33 -88 -1415 144 612 252

Total assets

(million, JPY)

2019/3 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
full-year 14057 12526 11395 15059 15936 16815
3Q 14129 14057 11484 15315 16249 16875
2Q 14214 14123 11130 14217 15961 16576
1Q 13887 13857 11065 12556 15562 16018

 Net assets

(million, JPY)

2019/3 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
full-year 19845 18570 20895 24164 24156 24943
3Q 19415 19951 20204 24586 24549 24765
2Q 19483 19287 19825 22740 24032 24296
1Q 17745 19128 18267 20823 23668 23506

All data on this page is based on information contained in our business reports. Please refer to our Financial Results materials for any details and additional information regarding financials.

  • Please note that in the case of announcements of any corrections or updates to the financial data, the data on this page will not be immediately updated.
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